
金曜日, 9月 05, 0020

Thursday Silent Midnight

12:33, 醒來
Gossip Girls看到同事給我的最後一部

Both Sides Now by Ann Sally

02:51, 陽台外的雨聲加上Ann Sally的Both Sides Now
享受著這Silent Midnight

03:09, 寫著BLOG的當下
It's too peaceful, too silent, that I just cannot broke it!
I love this song, although that is my first time to hear that.
Never cannot forget that words of this part...

I've looked at life from both sides now
From give and take
And still somehow it's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all

Do you like that song?
You should try, it seems let you more peaceful before you realize.

03:22, Still have working tomorrow...
It's a cruel life, isn't it?

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